
Creativity is not for the select few—it’s an innate ability of all human beings. It’s also a very direct way to reconnect with your body and your true self.
Come join me at one of my workshops, shed all worries and enjoy the blissful state of pure creative flow.

If you haven’t found a suitable date and there’s 2 of you (or 3 for the canvas bag workshop), feel fee to contact me directly to arrange a bespoke date for your group.

‘back to creativity’ workshop (CZ)

Zahoďte předsudky a strach, a vzpomeňte si,
jaké to je svobodně tvořit. Odnesete si
vlastní obraz a možná i originální tričko!

2.490 CZK

‘back to creativity’ workshop (EN)

Release control and embrace the freedom
of creativity. Create your own abstract
painting, and maybe an original t-shirt!

2.490 CZK

canvas bag workshop (CZ)

Dvoudenní kurz šití tašky, kdy se z vás stane
umělec i švadlenka v jednom a odnesete si
originální plátěnou tašku!

3.590 CZK

canvas bag workshop (EN)

A two-day workshop where you’ll get to be
both an artist and a seamstress, and you’ll
create your own unique canvas bag!

4.790 CZK


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